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THE conflagration

By B. Sabonis-Chafee
A young woman is cryonically preserved from world destruction, and finds herself 300+ years later in a new era. Can hope emerge from the ashes, or is our world set on destruction?

About The Book

Toward the end of the 21st century, a mature young woman dies and is cryonically preserved. She is found 300+ years later in the Antarctic when earth has entered a new era. The planet and environment have largely recovered from the climate crisis and WWIII—the global nuclear war at the end of the 21st century that nearly destroyed the planet and became known as the Conflagration. The remnants of humanity who survived emerged with a new consciousness and vowed, collectively, to never again engage in war. Over the following centuries descendants of the survivors recaptured the knowledge, skills, and technology needed to create a new world with eyes toward unity, sustainability and collective consciousness to become a humanity never before realized. Sydney Constance Thrasher awakens to this new world.

“I would recommend this book to anyone who counts Stranger in a Strange Land (Robert Heinlein) as a favorite; anyone who resonated with The Road (Cormac McCarthy) but wished it wasn’t SO bleak. There is a deep compassion in this book for our immaturity and great optimism about our capacity to get it right, alongside a stark warning that the brink is NOW if we would rather not burn it all down first.”

About the author.

My writing career began at my 10th birthday when a friend gave me a little green Girl Scout diary with a lock. Every day from then to graduation from college, I faithfully wrote in an annual diary a blow-by-blow description of that day . . . things as interesting as ‘we had a spelling test, I got two wrong’. By college I began to skip a day, usually when there was something so exciting I was unable to contain it on the one diary page—always vowing I’d go back to capture it when I had more time to distill it but I usually didn’t. In my adulthood I took to journal writing—because it allowed for as many pages as needed—not every day, but whenever there was a compelling thought.

I married and had 4 children. After 10 years of marriage, my husband announced he didn’t like ‘family life’ and deserted the family for his new ‘girlfriend’ (one too young to vote). So life gave me a new challenge; single parenting with a full-time career—which left little time for writing beyond journal entries. When my youngest graduated from college I took early retirement from my teaching position at Palm Beach Community College to write—in-between, teaching conversational English in Haiti, Kazakhstan and Thailand.

My writing is non-formula and somewhat unconventional. This is my 4th published book.

B. Sabonis-Chafee

This is a most unusual novel. We see human society, after near total destruction, deliberately evolved to be communitarian, equitable, planet-protecting, etc. Our protagonist is essentially a time traveler from before the destruction who embarks on a crash course to catch up -- to learn the philosophical foundations of the new society, the universal code of ethics, and the practical implications of those (how are cities built? what must people buy and how? etc.). She "buys" most of it and works to let go of her before-times mindset but instinctively rejects a Higher Being as being the source.

Happy reader

Enjoy another novel by B. Sabonis-Chafee!


The Stations chronicles one man’s quest to create stations of the cross that will speak to the contemporary world, not knowing this will demand of him that he plumb the depths of his soul. The story begins in 1951, before Vatican II was convened in Rome, when a fortune was left to the Catholic Archdiocese of New York City for the express purpose of creating the 14 stations of the cross and the shrine in which to house them. But, there are conditions in the Will that promise to create resistance and conflict between the artist’s vision and the Church’s ultra-conservative outlook. The artist, John Stanley Thomas, is commissioned in 1959 and over the next 33 years he encounters individuals and events which both help and hinder his efforts to bring the Station from concept to completion. During his long struggle there are moments of joy when inspiration carries him forward and moments of agonizing doubt when he feels abandoned by God, plunging him into his soul’s dark night.


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